So far, it seems consistent that when a question about a pet is missing certain information, there usually follows a common comment requesting vitals.
In lieu of being able to add this to a FAQ, I've posted this question to establish a reference to consolidate commonly expected information which might be helpful for posters to provide in the interest of expediting more complete answers.
Requests for vitals have included, but are not limited to:
- age (or approximation)
- gender
- breed / species
- training history
- ownership / source history
- adopted vs. pet store vs. puppy mill
- a count of prior owners
- medical history
- neutered
- diseases / afflictions
- housing (indoor / outdoor)
- presence of other pets (and their vitals)
While no one expects any poster to answer all of these on a given post (nor are many necessary, nor might any be known, nor do many qualify for certain pets), I think at least a certain subset (age, gender, breed/species if possible) should be expected to be provided on questions.