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Questions tagged [support]

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2 votes
5 answers

Do we have experts here?

Before asking for help with our pets, especially before asking for medical advice, we should at least know if we have any professionals here. Having professionals will help us to get good answer and ...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Create a tag synonym for behavio(u)r

We have both the behavior and the behaviour tag. At the moment, American spelling is winning 6:2 but we should probably settle on the one and make the other a synonym. I'm not sure who has the power ...
ThomasH's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How do we add other SE sites as options for flagging?

I just flagged a post to close, as it belongs on biology. When I went to the "belongs on another site" flag, it only gave Pets Meta as an option. Does the system dynamically determine what sites ...
JoshDM's user avatar
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