While I'm a bit late, I'd like to share my input 'from the other side'
The biggest thing is not to make the assumption that all pets are cats and dogs. It's easy to think of breeding return with dog and cat breeding. Yes, they are overpopulated due to bad breeding habits. There is simply a lack of regulation and education. Why not take this opportunity to provide them some education?
Proper breeding of animals involves making sure the animals are cared for. Animals that aren't cared for are going to die sooner. In my personal experience, the people that breed responsibly, are more worried about their pets' stress levels, and pamper them more than some of the crazy old cat and dog people.
Just because I also breed some of my pets doesn't mean I drop them in a box and hope for the best. They're all kept in aquariums/terrariums based on their natural habitats (except for my cats, who are given free reign of the house for some reason). I regulate the temperature, humidity, and their diets carefully. They are my pets, plain and simple.
Most questions that come up on forums are about the care of the pets, how to keep them happy, and what kind of care more exotic animals need. In fact, I think most questions from breeders wouldn't even be noticed as being from breeders, unless we're now going to 'out' breeders.
The only case I can see where breeding questions should be removed is when it turns into an argument on whether or not the person should be breeding. I'm not sure this is the place to argue that, it's not a forum, we're here to help people make informed decisions.
But aside from all of that. Think of all the different breeds of dogs and cats. There are many many more species of animals that are also pets. Different birds, smaller mammals, reptiles, fish of all sorts, crustaceans, arachnids, insects, invertebrates, amphibians. Whose owners do you want to exclude? I don't agree with Iguanas being kept as pets, but I'm not going to refuse to help someone take care of theirs.
The best way to attract people is to accept them no matter your differences. I would have loved it if I found this a couple months ago, I would have asked about plants for my Red Devil Crabs. But if I saw these comments against breeders, I wouldn't have. I'm here now to say I like this, and it could be awesome. But right now, it's not inviting, and people aren't going to join because of it.
To bring this back to the question. I think a lot of valuable users would be excluded because of a perceived distinction. The only reason that there aren't more breeders here, is because they currently only visit certain forums for information. Don't ostracize them before they even find out about this place, and be nice to them when they do find it. Thanks.