So we can't really have help vampires because we're not a work related site, and people aren't coming to use for help with their work. But what I'm talking about are people who will come in and ask questions, then come back later having more trouble because they've either not taken the advice given, or gone in the completely opposite direction.
This question for an example: Advice for stocking an Aquarium (45L)
Maybe I wasn't quite clear enough with my concerns that the tank could be overstocked, but I didn't want to outright say that they weren't capable of handling an overstocked tank either. my mistake on that one I guess.
Someone else put in an answer saying that they should get 10 tetras and that seems to be what the person wanted to hear because they commented 2 weeks later saying they put 10 tetras and 2 dwarf gouramis in the tank.
That person hasn't come back (maybe they're too mad because their fish died because we told them to get too many fish), but we've had a few that have come back several times and caused me to wonder why they haven't listened to the advice they were given in the first place. Some of them have turned out okay in the end, and some of them have just kind of disappeared. What I'm wondering though, is how we can keep them from becoming a hindrance on people answering questions.
It's kind of tough writing an answer for a question when you know the person asking it isn't listening, especially if they keep coming back you start thinking to yourself "what's the point?", but the question and answer are also for the benefit of future visitors to the site, and if the question is beneficial it should have an answer. So is the answer to just bear with it, or is there some kind of solution we can come up with to keep people who don't follow advice from frustrating the people who answer their questions?