I don't think any online site can replace professional advice that is needed for any individual situation.

There are many issues with Medical Practitioners (here in Australia at least) offering medical advice online or over the telephone. This makes it difficult when attracting professionals to some online sites, as they need to have their legal butts covered (and understandably).

It would be up to the discretion of the professional to declare their individual status and how they would proceed to use this.

I have lived with pets for nearly 50 years, I have owned dogs, cats, birds, fish and horses. At one stage we lived on acreage and housed unwanted cats, kittens and puppies to assist the local animal welfare league. I can offer my experience as an animal lover and pet owner.

As well as the fact I studied the first year of Veterinary Science, over twenty years ago (fortunately I have a good memory and remember most of it). I left the course after the first year, because we were always inflicting pain on animals, and I found some of the farming practices barbaric. I didn't like euthanizing unwanted dogs and then having them on my dissection table. Interesting animal rights movements are now slamming the very practices I found objectionable all those years ago.

To get back on topic, we studied animal husbandry in the first year (amongst other subjects) and this is useful for such a site. It does not make me an expert. 

I should also add, I was active in our local dog club and taught puppy classes. 

I have also worked on farms, lamb marking, on a pig farm and on a farm quarantining deer imported from New Zealand (which, in part, involved taking hundreds of faecal samples!).

I started riding horses at the age of four years in fact I spent most of my early childhood pretending I was a horse! There has scarcely been a time in my life I have lived without a pet. Dogs are the universe's gift to humans, if only we could be as predictable and reliable as our pets.