While other sites have variations on identification questions (scifi.se allows story identification questions, biology.se seems to allow some species identification questions, graphicdesign.se allows font identification, etc.), I do not feel that this is a good fit for pets.se.
Particularly problematic is how many cross-breeds there are out there. There are a multitude of dogs and cats out there that can't positively be identified as any one (or even two, or three!) breeds due to interbreeding.
These questions are also not really searchable, making them of incredibly limited value for our site.
Questions on pets that are less subject to cross breeding, such as reptiles or birds, would probably be on topic for biology given their current acceptance and use of their species-identification tag, so making them on-topic here seems redundant and unnecessary (especially given the problems with identifying dog or cats breeds).
Anyone looking for help in identifying their pet should be encouraged to ask in The Litter Box, however.