We have two tags for the age of pets. and . It makes sense to me that should be a synonym of . Could we merge them?

2 Answers 2


Well, age is usually how much the pet has lived so far, while lifespan is the average maximum age/time the pet can reach. They kinda have different meanings

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No, they are not synonyms. I suggest keeping but blacklisting in favour of more specific tags.

As Hussein said in another answer, questions about lifespan are clearly about the life expectancy of a given species or breed. However, age has no clear meaning on its own; it could refer to a young pet, or a very old one, or a request for age identification, or a question about normal development.

Life Expectancy

These should be retagged with

Physical, social, and emotional development

These deserve a brand new tag,

Age Identification

Maybe keep just for this, or replace it with something like

Stages of life

It is probably worthwhile to create tags for distinct stages of life. These tags, when combined with species/breed tags, really help to select an area of expertise with RSS feeds and/or custom filters.


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